
Saturday, January 2, 2010

ReAAAAly rare items for mods!!!!

Hello chos :) I'm back :)

Um.. THere ARE many clothes at chobots for non-citizens,citizens and mod too but mods have some really cool and extraordinary clothes! Wanna see them? Ok but just see this before seeing them
Mods clothes are didved :

1 Extremely rare:This item is owned by very few people and there is no possible way you can currently own one.

2 Moderaterly rare:This item is not available to everyone, you can only get it by a rare rain or by getting it for the citizen item of the month. This item is still rare but not very rare.

So I think you read that? So ready for seeing them? here they come!!

1Extremely rare

1 Name-Ghost suit

Little info:This suit is deffinetly not one of the most discussed ones, but don’t get me wrong, it still is kind popular and pretty rare! I think not alot of people got their hands on this one, just mods and the person who created it.

2 Name: Superman suit

little info :The superman suit has kind of slipped under the radar in moderator items. Nobody really talks about it much. I do know however that not alot of people have it. Very few. But it had rained too !!

3 Name:Knight suit

Little info :This suit is not owned by many people at all. It has never been rained before, I think only chobot and canab would probably have this suit. However over time this will probably change.

4 Name:V flag

Ltille info:This is one item that everyone is trying to get their hands on. Although a good amount of people have this flag, due to it’s demand it will be put under ”Extremely Rare”. I dunno why people call it a ”v-flag” it is really just a Vayersoft logo on a flag. (Vayersoft is the company which made Chobots) This item is very hard to achieve only for most of the people have it including me :).

5 Name : Vayerman suit(commonly A.K.A golden ninja)

Little info :This suit was designed and made by Vayerman. This was also been given as the the 1 month cicitzenship item.

6 Name :Third eye suit

Little info: It never got released to the public or to almost anyone. All I know was that this suit was called ”the third eye” so now everyone calls it the third eye suit!

7 Name: Monk suit

little info:This suit is commonly called a monk suit, although it was really meant for the knight phase in time. Not many people have this. This suit was also design by Vayerman. Few people have this!

8 Name:Dragon suit

Little info:This is one of those things where I don’t know who designed it, where it came from, and when it will be released. All I know that it is a dragon.

9 Name:Indian suit

Little info: Dunno what’s it is for, who it was made by, or when it will come out. All I know is that not many people have it but Z250gamer had it. he got it from our mod spok.

Now etremely mod items have ended.

Moderaterly items

1 Name:Caveman suit

Little info:.Dunno what’s it is for, who it was made by, or when it will come out. All I know is that not many people have it.

2 Name: Camo suit

Little info:This suit is not a ”camo suit” or an army suit. It was originally meant to be like a deck mate for a pirate. So it’s actually more like a pirate suit. This was one of the very first ”moderator items”. It is not rained much today, but it was a few months ago.

3 Name: Pirat suite

Little info:This is also an oldie moderator item. It was in the same developement stage as the camo suit, they came out together, this suit is currently up for grabs if you buy a 6 month membership, so it can still be achieved, at a cost.


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